Can anyone advise??

I’m an agency worker and recently found out I’m expecting baby no. 2. I have just been told by my recruiter that I am not entitled to any maternity pay or holiday pay as an agency worker. I am PAYE and have been working with the agency for 22 weeks today. I just wanted to clarify that I am being told incorrect information or not so I can begin to plan. Thank you in advance
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There’s an agency bit on here that tells you, you should be entitled to SMP x

You don’t get maternity pay or holiday pay as an agency worker. The agency pay is higher to compensate for this reason.

@connie thank you for this; I’ll have a read now.

@Megan I beg to differ according to ACAS I may not get SML but may still be entitled to SMP hence seeking clarification

@Dianne have to be employed for 26 weeks to qualify for SMP. You will get maternity allowance from Gov only.

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