@Shamaila thank you 💙. I was due 31st jan sorry, had induction booked 3 weeks early xx
@Shamaila I'm currently over 10 days. Will be booked in for induction on Saturday which puts me at 13 days over. Doctor wanted to induce me yesterday. Midwives said I have had a healthy pregnancy and baby is completely fine so it's my choice. I went home to try and get this baby out but my cervix is firmly shut so I know I'll end up being induced but at least I tried it my way first
@Jamie I'm due on Friday and really wanted a vbac. They will be booking my induction in on Friday, and I just can not be bothered with it. It failed the 1st time on me and I was in labour for 2 days and dilated like 3cm before they they made the call for section
He's absolutely beautiful 😍 if you dont mind me asking? How did they let you go over by 2 weeks? They won't allow me to go over more then 1 weei