Duration of feeds and the gap in between feeds
My boy is 13 weeks doesn’t latch longer than 4-8 minutes per feed. Is this normal? How long does your little ones go between feeds and how long do they latch in the same age as mine?
Any advice ?
Had his tongue tie divided 15th Jan ever since then he has been EBF (no bottles were given) ! Even before that he was EBF but was given a bottle or two a day (60-90ml). 7-8 wet nappies at-least one dirty nappy a day (sometimes every 48 hours 1 poop explosion)
Any advice ?
La leche website has great advice for breastfeeding. It can be normal for a 3 month old to only feed for 5 minutes, they become really efficient at getting their milk. If there having lots of wet and poop nappies and gaining weight then all should be fine 😊 Are you having any pain? Is he? My advice would to not clock watch at all and just feed on demand.. let's go of a lot of stress when you're not watching the clock (as long as baby is healthy) xx