I had the same issues. So, the first thing we did, was watch an online video on the difference between choking and gaging and what to do, in case it happens. I started with really soft broccoli & she just bit it and then proceeded to chew the bits. They have an instinct to try and figure it out. Don't be shocked if he spits it out, and he will cough at times, noise is good, when they go silent, that's when we worry. My LG started trying to steal my food, she stole my toast one day, so we have now started giving her toast for breakfast, penne pasta for dinner, just done extremely soft. Tonight we did rice with sauce and she just grabbed it all (we also use a spoon with this)
There's also good weaning books out there. You want to make sure anything you make is super soft, so if you were to squish it, it'll smash in your hands
@Star thank u! He’s has broccoli puréed twice so far - that’s what he has ate in the photo, and he loved it I was thinking about giving him a bowl of purée tomorrow and letting him just put his hands in it and feeding himself so he can start to learn that’s what’s he should do when he’s in his high chair, u think it’s an alright idea x
@Star I’ve seen something like that, u should be able to mush it easily between ur pointer finger and thumb is that right?
@Soraya yea, exactly, and their gums are really hard in comparison to what we think. So they can really chew things up. Sometimes, the texture of broccoli can weird them out a bit 😅 so don't be shocked if he shivers and gags. But then just do different veggies for him, carrots, potatoes, make little pancakes, scrambled eggs.
Really good recipes in what mummy makes and yummy little belly books and says what age is suitable etc FB group weaning the blw way has been useful to me also. Hard to tell from pic but ensure that baby is sat flat on their bum to eat also
just to reassure you blw doesn’t make babies choke more. if it’s cut into finger lengths and if it’s a coin shape quarter it you’ll be fine
whats blw
@Violeta💘 baby led weaning
Following! I'm having the same issues with anxiety. My LO tends to choke a lot.