My baby's plate (BLW meals and ideas)

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My baby's plate (BLW meals and ideas)

A group for those doing baby led weaning to share inspiration! Feel free to share a photo of your baby's food along with a description and their age 🥰

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E in Other

Transition sippy cups

My baby is starting to show interest in sipping from a cup. Do any of you mommas have a favorite transition sippy cup that you would recommend? Thank you in advance 🙂

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N in Baby & toddler food

Dinner (toddler & 7.5 months)

Tuna sushi bowl (baby’s tuna mixed with Greek yogurt instead of mayo)

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S in Baby & toddler food

Meal times

I honestly just need a rant because I am honestly HATING and DREADING meal times with my one year old…. All he does is moan sitting in his chair…. Will constantly turn his head away from the spoon, any finger foods will throw…. I am sooooo sick of making meals for him to just CONSTANTLY REFUSE and just be constantly...

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Fussy eater

My 15 month old won't eat any hot meals, other than beans or cheese on toast. He was poorly with tonsillitis and didn't eat for well Iver a week only milk yogurt and jelly. He now refuses all hot meals, he's fine for breakfast which is usually wheatabix and fruit, lunch he's OK with depending what it is. But he refu...

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R in Baby & toddler food

Fussy eater at 9 months

Is it normal for a 9 month old to completely refuse many foods? My little boy won't even pick up most foods, let alone try them. There's a few safe foods like toast, baby Crisps and oatcakes which he will always eat though, but he won't try new textures, most fruits and veg unless pureed. Should I be worried?

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