27 weeks and still don’t look pregnant 😔

I’m really struggling with body issues at the moment and I feel so low. I was hoping by now I’d look a lot more pregnant but I just look even more overweight. I know I shouldn’t compare, but I just feel so insecure and don’t want to leave the house. Did anyone else feel this way at 27 weeks? For reference I’m a size UK 18/20 . I so desperately just want to look and feel pregnant and confident 😔
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Is this your first pregnancy? i was the same the first time around x

I’m 29 weeks and I’m the same. I’m a uk 22/24 now but before being pregnant I was 18-20 depending where I shopped. My family will say I’m looking pregnant but to anyone seeing me in the street I just look more overweight. I’ve been told by my midwife that people pop at different times so I wouldn’t worry too much. Your body is growing a beautiful human and you and your family will know and that’s all that matters xx

I just looked larger my whole pregnancy. I never popped. Baby also came at 35 weeks, so I'm not sure if I would have popped later.

My first pregnancy, I didn’t show at all. I just looked bloated really but I tried to embrace all the wonderful things my body was doing on the inside ❤️ it’s growing life which is a miracle. I think people who I vaguely knew in passing didn’t know I was pregnant until I had the baby! 🤣 I’m currently pregnant with our 3rd (we lost our 2nd at 20 weeks) and this time I’m super bloated. I’m only at 5 weeks but I think people will start to know in a few weeks. I can fully understand feeling self conscious. Please try not to compare, because your body is doing wonderful things ❤️ I’m the same size as you, but we all carry weight differently.. I very much carry it around my middle so I expect any bump on me will just look like bloating/ a food baby 🤦🏻‍♀️❤️

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