Why is the nursery manager visiting your home?
I think their concerns would be around zoonoses (illnesses transfered between animal and human). It's very unlikely to happen with rabbits. If you use sawdust or straw they maybe concerned about mites. But honestly it's got nothing to do with them even if they were to report it to social services they'd turn around and be like 'so what'
I would be using a different nursery, the idea of them coming to inspect your house before you pay to send your child there is mental, who do they think they are? Ignore them, some people just don’t like pets themselves and project those feelings.
They are house rabbits, surely they can work ok that it's not a health hazard from googling them 🫠
She was visiting as my son has some additional needs they wanted to see how he was at home. She said they were concerned about the rabbits and the children and looked at us in a weird way..
They seemed scared of the rabbits when they visited which I thought was odd at the time
She mentioned the smell and the baby being defenceless against them
Just sounds like people who don’t like pets or just rabbits, I would really just ignore them and not give it a second thought, they have literally no say in the pets you have in your home
I would not be giving these people my money 💀
This is so bizarre! I would tell them that it's none of their business tbh! Id assume you keep them clean. Unless the lounge was covered in poo and wee then it really is nothing to do with them what animals you have and how you keep them. Would they have said the same if it was a pair of house cats? Or a couple of parrots? A German shepherd? They need to stay in their lane! They're visiting about your son and his additional needs. His additional needs aren't caused by having pets at home so they shouldn't be commenting.
@Jade @Lisa home visits are standard for most nurseries and even some reception classes so they can see the child in a surrounding in which they are comfortable.
@Lorna-Jean I find it strange even if your child has additional needs to be visiting him at home, they could assess him in his own environment and he will behave completely different in their setting away from his usual surroundings. They should be assessing him at the nursery. I’m a social worker and if a care provider asked to visit me at home and started to make judgements and have unwarranted opinions on my pets (I have a cat and dog) I’d be very annoyed. X
@Lorna-Jean the idea of the baby being defenseless against rabbits has really tickled me. Yes ok they can bite but the idea that the rabbits are just going to attack just has me howling
@Lorna-Jean are they saying the same to people who have dogs and cats then as well? I’m sure you have protective measures in place x
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@Emma I’ve never heard of anyone around here having an at home visit for either nursery or school.
@Charleigh have you seen Monty Python? That was the first thing that came in my mind 🤣
@Emma I don’t know anyone who has had a nursery visit them at home and I have friends and family with children in nurseries, maybe it’s normal in other areas but definitely not where I live x
@Emma never heard of this, def not standard!
@April yep same, I don’t know of anyone who has had the nursery visit their child at home. I’d kinda see it as pointless too, like a child behaves completely differently in their home environment vs that of a nursery setting that they’re not familiar with.. definitely doesn’t give an accurate picture of how the child would be / present in a nursery setting x
This is so weird what on earth! I would remove him from their nursery asap x
I've worked in about 7 different nurseries and not one of them do a home visit unless it's asked for by the parent. That's bizarre to me, genuinely!
@Gemma obviously baby not cherry 😂😂
@Nina that's exactly what i was thinking 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Lisa it’s been common in the nursery’s and schools I’ve worked at. Might be different for different counties
@April standard in all the nurseries I’ve worked in, as well as schools for reception children. It may differ from counties
Ngl i have one male rabbit and hes MEAN. He flicks pee, he chases us to bite our feet, he'll grab onto you with his arms/teeth and start humping And sometimes he just walks into a room where I am and thumps his foot at me like "why are you in MY house lady"
My son had a nursery home visit, I have a dog and there were no concerns raised over that, why should it matter about rabbits. I'm ashuming it's all kept clean from poo and wee so, I'd just ignore them, have they also told people with cats or dogs that have to live outside? Its none of there business to tell u how you should keep ur animals
I have two house rabbits that roam like any cat or dog would, the only decision we made was to give them the box bedroom as their “station” so that they have a safe place away from the babies and also to keep their litter boxes out of the main living space - my midwife didn’t bat at eye lid when I said about them - absolutely bizarre how they could have concerns?
Yeah, thinking about it my midwives came into the rabbits room and they loved seeing the rabbits, we even discussed having a home birth in there 😛
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When we had the home visit their litter tray was due a change and the floor a hoover but it wasn’t too bad and we weren’t expecting them to go in there anyway as my son doesn’t spend much time in there at all
Nursery home visits are common at preschool nursery i.e. those linked to a school. They're actually quite useful to see a child in their home environment and seen as very good practice. As for the rabbits, tell them to mind their own business!
I got a call from the social worker today!
@Lorna-Jean WOW! What are they saying?
@Lorna-Jean no way !? That’s ridiculous What did they say??
I explained that the rabbits were safe and she seemed to understand
Social services over rabbits!!!!!!! There's are kids out there being purposefully injured and put at risk and they've wasted resources asking you about rabbits.
I'm not being funny but I would say no to that nursery. What a ridiculous thing to happen. Many people have indoor rabbits or any other pets. The fact they've called social services on this matter is ridiculous.
@Lorna-Jean so they’ve wasted a social workers precious time over you having rabbits? I’d be absolutely furious if I were you; I hope you’ve made a complaint about the way this nursery have treated you. X
What were their concerns about them?!