Have you tried tummy time on the boppy? Thats what helped us get longer stretches and more successful! You can also do sidelying position which is helpful to not be on their back and helps them get stronger
My baby hates it so we do alternative ways more upright. Other family members told me they didn’t do it too much early on and their babies thrived appropriately 😅 They became more and more interested in tummy time as they got older so don’t worry about being delayed really. You’re doing a good job already.
My daughter also has torticollis and hates tummy time after 5 minutes but when I sit her up to practice sitting she has really good head control. So I don’t worry about it too much
@Katherine yes! We have a little mini boopy tummy time mat thing and it definitely helps get longer stretches b but he eventually just lays his arms straight lol
@Hanah N. What alternatives? I try to do chest and carrier sometimes
@Kamari 💛 oh I haven’t tried sitting yet. He also isn’t rolling. Is your daughter? I worry the torticollis is holding him back from a lot
Me too she’s only rolling to the side her head turns best. I’ve heard it can delay their rolling, sitting, crawling and standing but the pt she’s been going to says that where we have caught it this early and are working to help it that they shouldn’t have any delays. So if you just work with him to try and correct it you shouldn’t have anything to worry about
My son had torticollis too, he didn't mind tummy time, he rolled and sat up good time, it seems to have dissappeared itself but still has a little bump on one side of neck from it, I think it I maybe corrected it sooner it wouldn't have lasted as long, I think mine was from breast feeding one boob one side, which also buggered my neck shoulder and back, which I'm currently trying to fix
Sameeee! It’s rough. We do the football tummy time hold with him to carry him around and I also put him on my knees, on the boppy, etc, but we get 3 minutes before the screaming starts
My son hates tummy time and issues laying flat as well as had issues moving his head one way or the other so we started taking him to ped chiro and she helps us get him set and she looks at his neck and stuff. After his "adjustments" he does well and can move his head from side to side very well. He does okay with tummy time now but still isn't fond of it
Try using thr boppy for support. We haven’t stopped using it. I only usually do a few sessions a week without it
My 3 month old hates tummy time on the floor, but loves it on mine or my partner's chest. Have you tried that? Learning that it still counts as tummy time was a game changer for us. We've also had some success with a boppy or rolled up towel under his chest on the floor. Still not great with those but much better than just the floor alone! His pediatrician isn't concerned at all about his development.
My baby don’t do nothing 😂 He hates tummy time I don’t even bother with tummy time My baby is 3 1/2 months old
My baby does the same thing. Shes 3 months and 3 weeks. She will enjoy Tummy time for maybe 2-3 minutes then cry !