@Jessica thank you! Because I am lost I almost stopped testing bc I was like ok well I already ovulated so no need to continue to test but I was wrong!
The apps can only provide a general prediction based on your previous tests that you input. What Jessica said is all very good info!
@Jessica That's how mine was too. The next day was even darker. I would test twice tomorrow so you know better when you peaked.
Yes that looks like a strong peak! Have sex asap and again in the next 24 hours
What app this
@Laura Pregmate !
Yep looks like this is probably your peak (could also be even stronger in the morning possibly so test again tomorrow) in which case you will ovulate in 12-24 hours. Definitely have sex asap and tomorrow. Once you get a test that’s 0.75 I’d say have sex because peak could be pretty soon after. These test strips are way more reliable than your apps predictions. An app will just assume you ovulate 14 days before your next expected period but not everyone actually has a 28 day cycle and ovulates day 14. So for all of those people the apps predictions will be wrong and sometimes waaaay off. Your app is only as good as the data you put in over time and some learn way faster than others. Plus major stress, illness etc can delay ovulation so even if you track several cycles and see a pattern, it’s still no guarantee that the pattern will hold true on any particular future cycle