Weaning problems

Baby has been weaning 3 weeks now. Issue is she never actually has anything. She’s is just not talking to weaning. Spoon feeding, she sticks her tongue out so much pushed the spoon out. If I do manage to get it in, she vomits it all out. Purées are vey smooth. Tried baby led weaning and she won’t take to that either, just throws it or if I get it to her mouth, same thing of pushing it out. Any advice? I’m at my wits end, I’ve tired breakfast and lunch and nothing goes in!
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She probably just isn’t ready. It sounds like her tongue push out reflex is still too strong. I would continue with the blw weaning and let her explore it etc

Sounds like they aren’t ready. I would stop for a couple weeks and then try again. It’s okay if they aren’t ready. My first wasn’t ready until about 7.5 months.

Mine doesn’t take anything either. I just do it to get her used to it. I was telling one of my friends today when she asked how is weaning - my carpet will soon grow muscles and glow for the amount of food and fruits go on it 🤦‍♀️

I found the evening meal is the best time to get my LB to try some. Maybe try the evening rather than the morning. My LB still isn’t a massive fan of breakfast and he’s nearly 7 months.

Tongue thrust reflex is babies is normal in babies and usually goes away around 6 months and is one of the signs of readiness. So if they are still reflexively thrusting everything out with their tongue they might just not be ready yet. 🙂

Try thicker or lumpy purees. My little boy just spits out puree that is too runny (same with water mostly) but he loves a thick porridge, don't even have to wipe his face after because there's no messing around 😂

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