I’m 34+4 too and definitely feel the same!
Im 33 +6 and I feel like I need those few extra weeks to mentally prepare 😅
Gonna be 36weeks soon, and honestly I’m so tired I need this baby out haha, my due date is beginning of march so technically he could be a late feb baby, I haven’t prepared my baby yet so i really should.. 😅
Same my daughter arrived 37 weeks and now I am pregnant with my second going to be 36 weeks this Sunday I can’t wait I’m hoping he will arrive at 37 weeks I am shattered and I have gestational diabetes finding it so hard
My first baba was born at 26 weeks so I feel like at 33+3 I’ve been waiting for ages 😂😂 but been told number 2 is weighing heavier than his brother was on discharge from the nicu
i am 33+4 and this is my second. first one was 41+5days 😁 but this one will probably come around 37-38. I already have regular tightinging and pressure down below. cannot even walk more than 10 min
You see so many tik toks of people going into labour way early! But midwives say first babies tend to be on time or late don’t they
Oh my gosh I’m so glad I’m not alone… I’m 35 weeks and also so much pressure and tightening down below, walking is exhausting!! I keep on feeling this baby will come soon, though I feel excited I’m also dreading having two kids soon (first is only 2.5 years). I’ve got a major work event next week and also hubby is away so I don’t want her to come just yet! So good to read all of your messages. Midwife said this morning baby’s head is low in the pelvis
I’m being induced early- some time in Feb (was due mid March)- as baby is measuring small. Getting my date on Monday.
I tested positive for signs of early labour at 26 weeks so very thankful baby has managed to make it to 32 weeks!
Supposed to be March Mama 🙋🏼♀️ Little boy arrived on Friday at 34+5!
@Abigail oh my gosh! Hope you and baby are doing well x
36 weeks on Monday. I'm absolutely MISERABLE being pregnant. Due 03/03 so potential for late February. Considering induction because I'm suffering so much but that comes with a slightly increased risk of my internal C-section scar rupturing 🤔
@Mia 🌼 what symptoms are making you so miserable? x
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@ED93 aww hope baby stays in a while longer for you 🙈 what were the signs you had?
@Aoife good luck! x
@Alice omg 26 weeks!
@Alivia aww good luck with the house move, hope he stays tucked in a little while longer for you! X
@Nishat very intense pelvic girdle pain. I can barely walk around the house, I can't go out anywhere or see anyone and my mental health is suffering because of it
@Nishat I've had ongoing complications including frequent bleeding/clots and pain (also have endometriosis) which led them to doing the swabs & admitting me
@Mia 🌼 aww no :( hang in there, you’ve got this, hopefully baby comes soon and safely x
I've had my baby! She came at 35 + 3, she's a diddy 5lb but perfectly healthy. Don't panic if you do birth early, they're more 'cooked' than you may think 🥰
@CC aww congratulations! Wishing you all the joy with your little one 🥹 glad to hear she’s doing well x
I maybe induced earlier as I have pregnancy diabetes so getting growth scans , one min they say she's on the bigger side now they are saying she's only 60 percentile from 89 , driving me crazy I don't think they know 🤣
Im the same! I’m 33+4, waiting to get a move in date for our new house as its been postponed now so I’m freaking out thinking stay in there baby!!!