
When do you plan to introduce a taste of chocolate? My mum has been suggesting I'm cruel (jokingly so) if I don't let LO have a taste over Easter but when I've had a quick search on this app it almost seems taboo to even think about giving a child chocolate until they're at least 2 years old? Obviously theres no nutritional value but is it really that bad? 😂
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Ngl I've given my daughter a little taste of chocolate but only a tiny bit, she's not having chocolate properly though for a while

I won't be till my LO is 1, want to let him get used to having a normal 3 meals a day then introduce treats after that 😊I've already told all my family no chocolate for easter

Between 1& 2 (the later the better tbh)

Mine will definitely be before 1 with his brothers around 😅😅

I wouldn’t worry too much about when you introduce it, I held off until about 18 months with my first and turns out she doesn’t even like it! She’s 3 now and still won’t even eat a chocolate chip muffin let alone an Easter egg 😂

I think giving them little tastes or chocolate is different to say giving them a chocolate biscuit. I gave my LO a tiny piece of chocolate brownie yesterday. X

Honestly think that demonising any food is a dangerous thing! Offer everything in moderation and obviously we all want to be eating nutritionally dense stuff but there’s nothing wrong with a treat now and then.

I've already given my little boy tastes of chocolate. Within reason I let him try everything I'm having, my partner and I eat everything, no fussiness and I'm hoping if he just tries a little taste of everything all the time it will be the same for him too! As an aside, my parents didn't let me have chocolate until I was 10! And then as soon as I had any agency I absolutely gorged on it 🤣

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