Break up
Has anyone broken up with their partners and they want to go to mediation?? We have an 8 month old and I’m not sure how to go about it. How many days does he get the baby? I don’t want him to have the baby overnight the baby is so clingy to me and he needs routine. Any help with be appropriate.
I’ve never stopped him seeing his son. As soon as we broke up he went straight to the solicitors the next day
They'll ask you about you baby's schedule, your schedule and most important what would you like for your baby, they'll ask the same to the dad and the mediator will get to something in the middle. I don't know your situation, but if you are concerned about the dad's relationship with the baby, let them know. When babies are 8 months, they are most of the time with mom and have visitations (2 hrs, 4 hrs or more)with the dad. Depends on how many hours you want the visits to be and the dad.