Anxiety with solids

Anyone having crazy anxiety feeding their baby? I did baby led method with my son and didn’t have any anxiety but now I have this crazy fear my 2nd born will choke! It’s so annoying 🥲🥲 I’ve just been doing avocado, raspberry, strawberries, eggs. Soft things I can mash up! I feel like my 2nd born loves food too much and just shoves everything in her mouth. She gags like crazy when she feeds herself.
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Yes 🥲 I get so nervous watching her eat I feel like she shoves way too much food in her mouth all at once and then she gags and I panic it’s tough 🥲

I always have a hard time once I start feeding my babies food! I’ve had actual choking moments with my oldest and it’s so scary. One thing I do is blend up everything, even when it comes to things they could eat themselves, my oldest does just fine with normal foods now so it never affected her in a bad way. I feel like every baby is different, like my son could probably have more solids unlike my daughter at this age but I’m too nervous.

@Liz💕 lol same now I feed her small bites and she barely gags. I couldn’t take it

@Rachel yes I’m blending everything and feeding her myself!!

My second is a July 24 baby and we took an online Red Cross CPR/choking course the week before we started and I’m so glad we did. I knew what to do the first time around but now that I took this class I’m like wait I didn’t really have the confidence and somehow did it so now we feel a lot more confident! We also watched solid starts choking vs gagging videos and have a life vac but for sure it’s nerve wracking. I’ll be giving peanut butter in the ER parking lot this time lol I’m more nervous second time around and my first never had any scary moments!

 I knew I wasn’t the only one 😭 my oldest one didn’t act like she wasn’t fed  my 2nd just acts like we don’t feed him at all 😭😭 always so exaggerating when he eats solids

@Mariana Ya my 2nd is crazy!! She shoves everything in! And is gagging like crazy. I feed her nice small bites 🤣 I swear with my first I wasn’t worried at all!!

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