If your from the uk join the ‘ARFID support for parents and carers’ there really helpful and knowledgeable in that group. I haven’t got a clue tho my daughter hasn’t eaten any food in a year only lives of milk and no gp, hospital or health visitor will help me one bit. Been waiting months and months for a dietitian appointment x
Express your concerns to the health visitor and don't let it lie. Fight and keep fighting till they listen, if they go to nursery I'd mention it to them having them to back you helps more! Unfortunately a diagnosis for anything atm is a nightmare! Just make sure you keeping fighting for it! X
Following! My little guy is similar in some ways, but I’m not querying ARFID just yet. I think it’s a sensory thing for my guy, coupled with me not pushing him too hard to expand his palate. He has quite a small range of foods he will eat, but they’re all nutritious options. It’s a worry :(