Spitting food out

My 15 month old has always been a pretty good eater, he never really gave me problems and hasn't been picky, but lately he's been chewing his food then spitting it right out before he swallows it ??? I'm so confused, could this be from teething?? Or him just being picky ? Because he will eat his strawberries completely and alll his fruit but it's with his meals he's started to do it đź«  it's stressing me so bad
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He is exploring the environment. Very normal. There’s a lot of sensory experiences going on while you eat. The taste and texture how it smushes in your hands

Mine is doing the same and he's 15 months. Used to eat everything when we introduced solids now he's super picky one day and will eat fine the next. But it's frustrating.

Mine is doing the same and he's 15 months. Used to eat everything when we introduced solids now he's super picky one day and will eat fine the next. But it's frustrating.

Mine does it with certain foods. She's getting too so i was attributing it to that

@Griselda exactly the same with my 15 month old too! I just have to keep offering a variety and try not to get disappointed when he doesn't eat something (esp when it's something he loved yesterday!)

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