Please help!

We can not get our headstrong 3yo to eat ANY vegetables (and limited fruit) and I’m panicking. I hate the concept of hiding them and for the longest time I’ve just offered alongside ‘safe foods’ but she’s not budging and her diet is increasingly beige. Does anyone have any tips to get a better varied diet into their 3 year olds? Like a different pasta perhaps with protein or a hidden veg dish? She’s also milk intolerant so really struggling 😢
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I have this problem but with my almost 9 year old 😅 will your girl eat veg in different texture? Like mine won't eat a tomato but if it was in the bolognese she would. There are veg sauces that do have tiny bits of veg that you can see but if busy eating might not realise and actually end up eating some. That's all I can do with my eldest really. She eats beans tho so that's kinda a plus 😅🙈 my youngest is a hit and miss a bit, loves carrots and spring onions, sweet corn/corn on the cob. You could make pancakes and hide veg/fruit in them

Is she eats tomato based pasta just blend the veg up and add it to the tomato sauce. Add tiny bits of mushroom etc - she won’t notice it’s not mince.

My 3 yr old won’t eat fruit so I mash it into his weetabix. He is now fussy with veg so I often blend it into his food

@gabi She’s definitely eaten a bolognese for her nanny but she’s mostly at home with us and she picked out the veg anyway 🫣 We are due a baby this month so we do think she’s testing boundaries a bit too but it’s giving severe mum guilt when all she has is carbs and will only snack 😵‍💫 Pancakes is a good idea! Although husband made potato pancakes which look beige as anything and she still didn’t eat them. Last time we made normal ones she licked off the honey 😶

@Naomi I think she’s the only child in the world who hates tomato sauce! The chip heinz variety. With a pasta sauce she has eaten it before but it’s tricked off to nothing now 😓 I saw an insta from solid starts saying pasta had protein so at least there’s that I guess. We’ll have to keep trying I guess!

@Kay You should have seen the battle we just had with weetabix 🫣 She likes cornflakes and cheerios but I know there’s so much less nutritional value in them! She’s now eating a weetabix dry 🫠 I wish she would eat porridge as we put flaxseed mix into ours! I think we’ll have to try blend more

Feeling your pain! My three year old is really picky. What I try to do is to level up the nutrition in the things I know he will eat. So porridge - I add blended nuts to it, and fruit too. Pouches - the Piccolo brand has a full serving of veg within the fruity ones, and he likes them! Bolognese - I’ve switched out red meat for lentils, and add lots of veg, and then blend it all to smooth. Omelette - I’ll add cheese and butter. Honestly, this plus pizza, cheese sandwich, yoghurt and toddler snacks, is all he will eat right now :( I’ve tried so hard but he doesn’t seem to handle textures very well, so all I can do is keep trying little by little. Sending love xxx

Awwwh hun, that must be frustrating 🙈 when they eat for others but not for you. I get it. My eldest will try things in school but once home it's a big NO🤢 so i know what you mean. Maybe, hmmm new baby could be causing her to not bother with certain foods but I think, seems like a lot of kids go through a picky stage 🤔 just know you are doing a great job. Even go back to basics like letting her play with the veg, like BLW. Exploring different textures and tastes but do it together.

@Sally @gabi Thank you both! I like the back to basics idea, although I have a feeling we’re going to be feeling very poor with all the chucked food but I guess we can eat what she doesn’t 😅 She’s even gone off scrambled eggs which is a pain! I really do hope it’s just a phase 🤞🏻 We might try a lentil dal tonight but a bit more puréed so no bits, fingers crossed

Good luck mumma! Both my girl went off scrambled eggs for no reason despite loving them... 2nd best thing, Eggy Bread 😂 both will eat it that way

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