Hi! We run a pregnancy cafe every other Friday 10-12. Once a month at Boston tea party on Alfred st and once a month at Hartley farm in Bradford on Avon. The next one is next Friday 14th at Hartley. Lovely place to meet other pregnant mums and chat with us as Doula’s and antenatal educators. You’d be very welcome! https://www.instagram.com/blossom_in_bath?igsh=MW0zc2xkd2hieXRsYw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Do you craft? You could make some bits for your baby- Pinterest is great for inspiration. I made some black and white things for mine to look at and some colourful things to look at during tummy time. Batch cooking also very useful. If you are planning to breastfeed I highly recommend going to the breastfeeding support group so get some tips, I really wish I'd done that, they are great! Mostly though rest!!! I did things right up to the end with my first but I should have enjoyed the time to rest. To read, go to the cinema, go for coffee, go swimming, get a massage, do some yoga, enjoy a museum (if you have a discovery card you can go to some for free). Feel free to message if you want any specific recommendations for any of these suggestions.