@Jessica Ah yeah that is quick! I got a text on Tuesday to confirm they’d received it and just said I’d hear a decision within 4 weeks, so hoping it’s not too long 🤞
@Jessica Did you have to do anything else before payments started? As in anymore paperwork etc or does anybody contact you or did payments just start x
I got mine accepted pretty quick but now have to send another form back when I officially finish work to confirm the dates. I finished last Thursday but using 2 weeks holiday so have to wait til 13th to send it back I think
I got that text too, didn’t need to send anything else off personally (for context I’ve been self employed for nearly 4 years) xx
They sent me more forms to send back so got that all ready to go. I'm hoping they can back pay it if it's delayed as want it to start the day after I send it back!
@Jessica Ahh yeah makes sense! I’ve been off sick due to pregnancy related things and because my sick note goes into the 4th week before due date, work have put me on maternity leave from 9th Feb, I asked for my payments to start on 28th Feb when I sent forms off x
@Jessica It does say they’ll back pay if unable to meet the dates you specified I’m sure x
I submitted mine 8th dec, my first payment was 10th Jan, was quicker than I expected!