8am/830am milk 9am/930am solids (either porridge, pancakes or toast with fruit or yoghurt) 12pm/1230pm milk 1pm/130pm solids (fishcakes, savoury muffins, mash and veg/chicken, omelettes) 4pm/430pm milk 7pm milk Sometimes depending on his naps I'll do the second solids a little later but usually around this time
8am milk 9am porridge/ breakfast 12pm milk 4pm milk 6:30 dinner 8pm Milk Maybe some snacks in between depends on the day.
630 milk 930 baby rice/ porridge/scrambled egg small bottle 1230 milk doesn’t take it all. 300 puree lunch toast 600/630 milk
8am - milk 11am - milk 3pm - milk 5pm - milk 6pm - solid 7:30pm - milk
7am 🥛 8:00 🥘 9:00 🥛 11:00 🥛 1:00 🥘 2:00 🥛 4:00 🥛 5:30 🥛 6:30 🥛 I am EBF and have a hungry boy 😂
7;15 milk 9;30 porridge 12:00 yogurt + lunch 1;30 milk 4;30 dinner + fruit 6;00 milk 8;30 night time bottle of milk My current almost 7 month old schedule
630 milk 1030 breakie porridge or purée & milk I ish milk 4 milk and purée 7 bed milk
Just a rough schedule depending on naps 8- BF milk 10-baby rice/porridge + BF milk 12- BF milk 2-mashed up meal/puree plus BF 4- bottle 6-bottle Still trying to figure it out!
My little boy has lunch at around 1:00, he has purre or porridge or a yogurt. Dinner at around 7:00pm. He breastfeeds throughout the day when he wants it (which is very often)
@Emily mind is roughly the aa w too. His always eager to eat so introducing the 2nd meal by 7.30 was easy for me.
I go by baby’s cues and feed her purées for breakfast and dinner. I started little by little, but now I’m giving her more
We do breakfast and dinner, finding breakfast is a bit hit and miss at the moment xx
This is helpful for me so thanks ladies
Hi we’re on 3 meals already. He’ll be 7 months on the 17th. Rough schedule 7/7.30 milk 8.30 breakfast (porridge or toast) 10am milk 12 lunch (egg & finger foods or leftovers) 2pm milk 4.30 milk 5.30 dinner (whatever we eat just pureed) 7.30 milk 8.30 milk Plus 1-2 bottles during the night He drinks a lot. The amount of solid food eaten varies but he will eat something at every meal. Just waiting for that milk to start decreasing lol
I tried introducing a second meal to my 7 month old and he’s just not hungry for it lmao, it’s always worth a try though xx