Hello 👋🏻 I’m 5w1d today, we’ve also had a few struggles as I have Endometriosis and PCOS, so I have told a very small handful of close family and friends who know what we’ve been going through and we will have a private scan at 7 weeks! x
Hi! Congratulations! For my first pregnancy I had a private scan at 10 weeks and then told immediate family as all looked good and risk of miscarriage is very low after 9 weeks. I told work and friends aster my 12 week scan (which was just before 14 weeks) and told the wider world about 6 months! I’m currently 5.5 weeks and have an early scan booked at 9.5 weeks and will tell family after that
Hey I’m 5w4d today and I’ve only told certain people so far. Told someone who had had a baby recently for advice, told my best friend and my university. My partners dad found out but until 12 weeks it won’t be going public. If I can keep it in that long 🤭
Hey I’m 4weeks 5 days with my 🌈 baby I told my best friend literally the moment I found out . My partner told his parents 2 days ago I think it all depends on how you want to tell people and when . I personally won’t be announcing till 12 weeks . I would have told my mum but I want to do it on her birthday so hard to keep a secret . I’m due October 11th . I actually booked an early reassurance scan for 6 weeks . I have already done my self referral for my midwife appointments . My symptoms so far are Insomnia Heart burn Sore boobs Congratulations on your baby hunni and I wish you all the best !! Xx
Congratulations 🫶🏻 I am 4w5d with our 🌈 baby and we told my Mum and Dad on the weekend. We have had a heartbreaking 2.5 year IVF journey so I want to celebrate every day of this pregnancy. Have had a series of HCG bloods done for my reassurance and have an early scan booked in at 7 weeks when I’ll tell friends xx