my almost 9 month old is still pretty hit or miss with food lol. she does well eating some things, but other things still make her gag so hard that she pukes a little 😭 she still doesn't eat more than a tablespoon or two once or twice a day.
Babies can start actually "eating" anywhere from 6 months to 2-3 years. It's a process. There will be regressions where they don't want to eat anything. Toddler phases where they push their limits and refuse to eat what you give them. It will get messy, they will throw food. You just have to embrace the mess. It actually helps them texturally, babies who are allowed to get messy are far less particular about textures and tactile sensations. It's how they learn. I wouldn't worry at that age about how much they're eating. All babies will eat when they are hungry. The important thing is to keep it easy and low stress, and let them try new foods on their own time.
It's ok if you want to do a combination of pieces of actual food and also make some homemade purees. That's what I have done for my two daughters.
My 10 month old only recently started eating good amount few days ago when we found out what kind of food she prefers. It took a long time for her to be interested in anything. Keep offering a food in diff forms. Try to eat the same food as baby. She became interested in what we were eating few days back and I offered her a bite from my plate. And we got to know that she will eat anything that she can chew on (already has 4 teeth). Pancakes, fritters, fruit pieces, etc. Until now, everything ended up on the floor, she would shake her head after maybe having 2-3 bites at most.
Thank you all!! ♥️
I started at 6 months with purées. Then at 7 months started giving her bigger pieces of food. For example today i made baby pancakes. (Recipe: 1 whole banana, 1 egg, a little cinnamon) and slice into long strips and she eats that. The consistency is mushy like puree so she can grab with her hand and eat with no issues! I can send a video on the side if you have any other questions too. I also bought huge spiral pastas and put chicken puree over it. She LOVED it. She didn’t chew on the pasta but kinda just sucked off the puree. And it helped her learn how to grab good and put it in her mouth! Can also send some pics if needed 🫶🏼
@Sarah just a note about those popular banana pancakes that i learned the hard way - they can be constipating! Make sure kiddo has plenty of water and some fibre with the meal. 😅
@Melissa thanks for that because I literally made them yesterday lmao
@Sarah @Melissa yes!! They can constipate. I don’t give banana every day. My baby also likes prune puree that i will give her when i try foods that are known for constipation! Def recommend always keeping some in your house. Never know when you’re going to need it 🤭
@Sarah thanks! I was thinking about making those pancakes, I saw a recipe but with oatmeal. Thats great she loved the chicken!
My 8 month old very recently started learning that he has to chew food. He would constantly choke/ gag. If it gives you a scare you could always try pureed food that has chunks in it. Just remember embrace the mess, every baby is different with solids (I wouldn’t have dared to try BLW with my first), and that right now solids is only for fun 💕 she’ll get the hang of it.