I do like a happy half birthday Facebook post, but no, we don't do any sort of celebration
You do whatever you want for your child, especially if it's something that makes you and your family happy 💕
We do! But my daughters half birthday is also Valentine’s Day so it’s kind of a combined celebration
@Ana Moore I love that!! 😭♥️
@Sharaya That’s cute too! 🥺
@Melanie You’re absolutely right! I’m just so excited. I want her to feel so special!
@Rachel Aweee that’s so adorable! 🥰
My son was born fourteen days before Christmas so to me it makes sense to split it up through the year. When my kids get older they can decide which they want the bigger celebration for, but for now my dad gives birthday gifts in the summer and I do something small for half birthdays. I may even throw in a random one other times of the year just to remind my kids that they are loved.
I didn't do a celebration for my daughter but I did a photo shoot with her. It's not ridiculous if it brings you joy, especially for the last part of your sentence. Hope it goes well!
I am team celebrate everything! We only live once (at least in this body) and spend so much of our lives working. Take every opportunity to celebrate! Why not celebrate existing twice a year, who cares! I’ve always celebrated my own half bday by treating to myself to a mani/pedi or massage and nice dinner. I also always tell people with winter bdays to celebrate their half so they can turn up in the summer! Holiday bdays too, turn your Christmas bday into a 6/25 bday and have a beach party!
I think the "half dozen" donut photoshoot is cute but other than that I'd be too tired to do half birthdays 😆
i did it and my family messed it all up, i wish i could redo it. do it!
@Katelynn oh my goodness I love that! Life’s a celebration!
@Melanie aweee I plan on doing a photoshoot too! && thank you. 💖
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@Korissa I 100% agree! Ooooouuu I didn’t even think to do it for myself I love that idea! Winter babies deserve warm birthdays too! Life’s a party!
@FairyMother 🦖🌸 Ouuuu now I have to look that up! Sounds adorable. && yeah it can take quite a bit of energy lol.
@Isa ughhh I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! You guys are so adorable with your little monthly birthdays oh my goodness! I’m squealing lol. 🤣
@Alyssa aweee I’m sorry they messed it up for you. did you only want to try to do it for the 6 months? You didn’t want to try to do it for a different half birthday?
Yes I did a Halfway To ONE photoshoot
@Alina love that!! 🥺
My son is a July baby so when he starts school I'm going to bring treats to his classroom in January for his half birthday 😄
Girl yessss treat yourself! And baby too! Why not lol. My son’s half bday is November. When he’s older ill probably take him to a trampoline park or Dave n busters. Some indoor boy thing 😂
We’re doing a little half birthday celebration for my daughter. We’ll be in Center Parcs at the time which has fell quite nicely (booked the trip before she was born) If it brings you joy, go for it. Life goes so quickly and sometimes we forget to enjoy the small things 😊
It was amazing. He full on crawled for the first time at the studio because of the balloons. He was 6 months and 2 weeks worked amazingly
Both my kids was born in winter time so I gave my 3yr a half birthday party when she was 6 months and I'll give my second baby a half birthday at 6 months but that's because planing my kids party gives me lots of joy
@Alina ahhhhhh that’s amazing!!
@Holly aweee adorable!! I agree!
@Korissa definitely will! && ouuu that’ll be fun!
@Melissa that’s so cute! He’ll love it!
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Have considered doing this for our December baby but it would be instead of a main birthday celebration, not as well. Haven't ever actually done it though
I did a birthday party every month 😂 celebrate her life!!