How are we dealing with tantrums during meals

He will just randomly start becoming upset, throw his head back and cry. This becomes worrying when he still has a piece of food in his mouth 😵‍💫😵‍💫 I don't know why he's doing it or how to stop it because I try just calm him down nicely and it does not work
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If my girl makes a fuss at meal times I just take the food away and try again in an hour I don’t force anything, maybe he’s trying to tell you he’s not hungry? X

We have this sometimes too if I so much as look at her or try to load a spoon. Very bizzare I think oh is she not hungry but she will start eating again straight after and be happy. I wonder if maybe hurts her gums a bit whatever she is chewing? X

Yup my son does this too. No rhyme or reason lol

I’ll take the food away and retry within an hour. If it’s still the same after an hour I offer something else x

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