Nervous wreck over here

Went into my obgyn apt. today. I am 39 weeks now. Was hoping to get a cervical check to see how far I was dilated and debated the membrane sweep. Came back with high blood pressure and protein in my urine. On my way to labor and delivery to monitor and see if I’m diagnosed for pre clampsia. I’m a nervous wreck. Doctor mentioned induction. This was not part of my birth plan. Pregnancy hormones have me Crying hoping for everything to be safe. Anyone else have the same thing happen?
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I am 40 weeks today, and due to my age, my doctors have also scheduled an induction for this Saturday. Not part of my plan at all either. All my tests and sonograms have come back perfect. I am not dialated enough to have a cervical sweep. I am working on wrapping my head around this change and making a plan to make it the best birth I possibly can. I have been crying a ton too - part of the grieving process of not having the birth we planned. I am leaning on those around me for support and talking it out which has been healing too. Sending hugs.

I went in today at 38 expecting to get membrane sweeping but instead I got sent to L&D because of high blood pressure. They monitored no protein in urine got sent home. Two hours later checked with the BP cuff they gave me and it was high so I went back and was cleared again super frustrating. I will 100% be induced at 39weeks which I was told since the very beginning. I’m hoping I go into labor on my own before the 15th. But I could have high bp and symptoms and have to go back or be induced on the 15th. I’m sad and scared. Nice I’ve been prepared for most likely being induced since day 1 but still upsetting. Also I was hoping for a valentines baby but they changed my date to the 15th lol :(

Also no membrane sweep so that bummed me out too I had be expecting it for weeks now and was hoping that would help kick start natural labor

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