@Naomi did you have to bring anything to prove it’s there birthday or age etc?
No I didn't bring anything with me. I just asked them for the birthday bear and told them she was 1. It works for the whole month of their birthday so you don't need to go in exactly on the day 😊
@Naomi perfect it was her birthday on Tuesday so thought it would be a nice wee treat. She just turned 5, but I’m sure she will make sure to spend my money on clothes for it
The clothes and all the extras is how they get you! But I do this every year!
Yeah the extra bits all add up so it'll definitely cost you more than £5 😅
I was in before Christmas considering getting another one for 3rd birthday done it for 1st birthday. All outfits were really around £15 or more so ur looking at around £20
Yes did 1st birthday one as well in Belfast !
Yes I was able to get one from Belfast build a bear for my wee girls 1st birthday