Small desert and small gift with simple decor
Omg this sounds like such a struggle and I totally get it lol. My son’s birthday is March 5 and soooo many other people in our family have birthdays in March too and some good friends too. He actually shares a birthday with my best friend haha. How old are all your kids turning. Maybe do one big joint party? Or depending on their ages some might not even understand that it’s their birthday and you could postpone until after you have baby
Oh wow. Totally missed that last section haha. Yeah none of them will understand so for sure do something later. But if you want to do it day of then I think a little gift and a cake or maybe go out to dinner with each kid or do something special with just that kid and the parents
Good luck to you and your family haha. My son is also turning 3 in March but then I have a one year old this past October. You are little amazing for being able to handle almost 4 under 4
Maybe go somewhere as a family, let them decide? Or birthday dessert and present at home with close family members?
Maybe hit a zoo, museum, aquarium. Something fun and exciting for a little one, but everyone enjoys. And it’s something y’all may not do regularly already so it still feels different. Turning 1 can be simple asf. Extra sensory play like painting or crafting something together. Smash cake & a cupcake for everyone else. 2 could get a lil bouncy house that’s a good size for the 2/3 yr old and can fit the 1 yr old as they get older too so just big enough for the 3 to enjoy and a ‘cookie cake’ Aka big cookie saying HBD with balloons & confetti or somethin. Longer park day. And the 3 yr old can pick one of the first activities I had listed. The kids could be free as usually 2 and under or 3 and under is free. And they ain’t gotta know the 3 yr old is 3 today bc they was 2 yesterday lol so just you or you and dad would cost
For our kids when they were both in a crib (ages 1 and 2) we would dump balloons in their crib, have a gift waiting downstairs when they came down, did cake and sang happy birthday. Have a fun day, maybe indoor playground or something new to them. When my son turned 3 we have a bunch of balloons on string hanging from the ceiling like about a foot from the ground in the hallways outside of his bedroom door and downstairs, so he had to walk through them. He loved these! Kids love balloons. Maybe a special breakfast, candle in it.
So on our birthdays growing up we’d always get to pick dinner- whether was where we went out or home cooked. And we’d also always have pancakes with all the toppings for breakfast 🥞 For my LO 1st we went to the aquarium so depending on budget etc as know you’ve got them all close together 😰😰 maybe a play area on their actual bdays?