@Casey-Jane my little one’s also has reflux and CMPA.. is it just the standard readybrek you started with him? Our dietician didn’t say what we should start with only for us to start weaning soon!
@Jade I did, yes. Just basic redybrek or supermarket own brand is just as fine too and cheaper. Once little one is older, you can add mashed fruits to it. Never bother with the baby porridge it's just expensive and unnecessary 😅 we started with a tablespoon of redybrek and added his prescription formula to the right texture and just gave a baby spoon or two to start with. We were told we could also do single veg or fruit pouches, but be careful of ones that contain lemon juice and a lot of them do it's horrendous for reflux! X
@Casey-Jane Thank you so much! That’s so helpful ❤️
No not necessary at all please don’t do this
Baby rice has no nutritional value so its best not to use that. We started weaning at 5 months on recommendation from his dietician due to severe reflux and CMPA and we started with readybrek mixed with his formula x