Step siblings away from each other!

Keeping step kids away from my children. I’m an arsehole I know complete and utter arsehole however I have a 1 year old ( who is starting to talk) and a newborn baby…. Step kids are partners children so my childrens half brothers. They come to my home, swear, disrespect any adult that walks into my home this is my mam included, jump all over the furniture, tell me “ I’m not the boss of them” when my partner leaves me looking after all 4 children on my own whilst he goes to work… this is 4 weeks post c section may I add, the 5 year old has started hitting my 1 year old, they fight with each other this is on the sofa where my mum was sitting holding my new born baby and when I told them to stop 15 times they went home to their mother and their mother phoned their dad and told him how dare I shout at them and take their devices off them! 🙃😂 I seen this thing that said “ keep your children away from children who aren’t parented” and it’s the most truest thing I have ever ever read, because if for a second my partner thinks that im bringing my children up to behave like his children then he is very very very much incorrect. I have told him that every other weekend me and our children will be staying at my mums and him and his children can stay at the home and do whatever the hell they want considering my partners parenting skills are just as bad as their mothers. I don’t need people commenting saying I’m an arsehole and that I’m not putting my children’s feelings into consideration, matter of fact being In the future my children will thank me for keeping them away from their half brothers because they are going to be so out of control, might be funny to their mother and father now but trust me it won’t be funny when they are 15 years old. 😡
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This is hard You have to look and think if you and your partner split you can NOT stop his other children being around the kids BUT he does need to god damn parent them!? Maybe the threat is enough to give him a kick up the arse to sort his shit out? I’d be refusing to be on my own with them so if he can’t fulfil his obligation to his children he needs to either not have them or find alternative childcare because it’s no longer you! But I don’t blame you for wanting to escape and not be involved but I’d be asking myself if this relationship is even viable and worthwhile!

Totally agree with you. In fact, depending on your housing circumstances…why should you be the one to leave at the weekends?! When my SD (13) was physically hurting my baby who was nearly 1 at the time, I was going to do the same and go to my parents every weekend, until MY mum pointed out…why should me and my baby leave our home?! So I said until her behaviour improved my husband could stay somewhere else with her at the weekend, do days out, or he’d have to supervise 24/7. Took about 2 weekends for them to realise I was serious and sticking to it and she dramatically improved her attitude and behaviour.

Hats off to you 🤣 lay down the law

For what it’s worth I don’t think you’re an arsehole I think you’re just a woman whose being pushed to the edge and you’ve got to take a stand however you chose to do it is down to you x

Not an arsehole at all!! You’re protecting your sanity, your space and tour children. We are with you!

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