I feel exactly the same baby girl Is now 17 weeks old 😫 I already suffered from anxiety anyway but this is something different my inbox is always open for need a friend sending hugs 🤗 x
Thank you so much mummas ! Xx i think im struggling with being so far away from my family too ive moved 4 hours away with my bf and his faimly :( x
Oh mumma my heart is hurting for you. I was exactly the same way after I had my son. I was a typically anxious person anyway but I have never expected to experience such all consuming anxiety after having him. It's so hard isn't it? We were in a similar situation, lived 3 hours away from family, so didn't have any help at all. My husband was back at work so I didn't have any help during the night (he works with aircraft so needed his sleep understandably) then no help during the day. The best thing I did was reaching out to my GP! It helped me validate my emotions knowing I wasn't going crazy and it was PPA. I started medication and started therapy which was a life saver! If you want to message me then please do! I found hearing over people's experiences really helped ❤️
I relate . Postpartum is hard . Be patient with yourself momma
@Hollie messaged u xx
Feel free to join my postpartum Discord community. A lot of us can relate. https://discord.gg/7f5dyFTTyG
That’s definitely more anxiety than you’re supposed to have! I was on the same boat. I didn’t get help & I wish I did!
It is totally normal to feel that way don't think I chilled out till about 3 months, it is so hard and scary having a baby and yhe way u feel is how we all feel when we have our first. However, if you feel like it is dictating ur life and it's unbearable and overwhelming the you might have ppa I would recommend calling ur GP to discuss potential options about helping you, maybe with anxiety medications if u feel that is something you would like to explore. Alternatively if you are uk based ik most county's do talk therapy self referral service and seen as ur post partum you should get seen relatively quickly However u will still have to wait anywhere between a few weeks to a few months which can feel like a very long time when ur filled with anxiety, they can work with you and do anxiety therapy and help you manage the way u feel. I'm sorry that ur having a stressful time with it all ik exactly how u feel I went through the same things and I got help and did the self referral and it made a world of difference