I wouldn’t immediately go to child abuse if your kid has one bruise 🤪 kids are wild banchees and get banged up all the time. I try to think like what if strangers assumed my husband was beating me everytime i had a bruise, it would be awful! I’m running into things left and right.
Bruising on bones (shins, forearms) is normal bruising on squishy parts (upper arm, thigh, abdomen) isn’t as common. If you’re noticing bruising in those uncommon areas look for large bruising like they’re being grabbed around the upper arm or legs like they’re being punched or kicked. If it’s an adult doing it to a child they’re going to be big bruises. If it’s their face their teacher would have likely told you about hitting their head. If your child is able to talk you should ask “how did that happen?” “Did you get hurt today?” Open ended questions. Don’t ask “did someone hit you?” “Did your teacher do this?”
My kid would just straight up tell me, they tattle on all the kids "bethany kicked Angus today" etc.
How do they react when you drop off and pick them up? Ie are they happy and excited. How are they in general? . I wouldn’t go for child abuse based on a bruise but I would ask if they know what’s happened.
Please listen to Tessa’s advice above. Having worked with children and been trained on spotting potential abuse what she has written is exactly what you are meant to look out for/go about it. Placement of bruise is most telling.
“Signs of Physical Abuse Daycare abuse can manifest in several ways. Some children may experience physical abuse, which occurs when caregivers physically assault the children. Punching, kicking, choking, shoving, scratching, biting, shaking, and other forms of physical assault can occur. Your child could be suffering from physical abuse if you notice symptoms including: Unexplained bruising and other injuries (black eyes, cuts, scratches, bite marks, burns) Trouble sleeping Child becomes shy, withdrawn, clingy, or overly fearful Child becomes overly aggressive with pets, siblings, or other children Flinching in response to your movements or touches Unusual reaction to other innocuous events such as noises They show reluctance or put up a fight about going to daycare Other behavioral changes at home or school Any serious injury–broken ribs, fractured wrists, even serious bruising–should be explainable. If your child is not yet walking, there is no reason for them to suffer any of these
types of injuries, and any such injury is a likely sign of physical abuse “https://www.wturley.com/daycare-abuse-signs/
1. “Unexplained bruises, scratches or other injuries Physical abuse is usually the most noticeable sign of abuse. If you drop your child off at daycare without bruises, scratches or other injuries, but pick up your child with unexplained injuries, it may indicate physical abuse. These injuries will be most apparent on the wrists, arms, buttocks, neck, shoulders or back of the legs. In addition, if your child flinches at sudden movements, a raised hand or cowers when being touched, this is a strong sign of physical abuse. “https://www.carlsonattorneys.com/signs-daycare-abuse/
Look out for placement of bruise/injury, especially in odd places, frequency and marks that look like pinching in particular. All accidents should be reported by nursery to parents (we have an app). You can request seeing the accident on cctv camera if they have them. Nothing should go unreported. It’s a big red flag if it does. Also take pictures of all bruises/injuries and take notes. If you’re worried, get a second opinion by GP. This might sound OTT but if the unfortunate situation unfolds that your child was abused, the evidence is helpful for building a timeline and catching the person. And trust your mum intuition, it’s very sharp xxx
I wouldn’t jump straight to child abuse. But it would depend on where the bruise is. My girly is as clumsy as me so new bruises appear daily. And she will show me them and tell me how it happened. Why did you think child abuse straight away?
That’s hard cause my son is super clumsy. But also I don’t take him to daycare and I’d be super paranoid if I did.