@Rhiannon Did you do this at 4 months?
@Olivia yeah I started weaning with baby rice and super fine porridge at 4 months but tbh my little one wasn't as ready as I thought she was so we stopped at tried again at 5 months and she took to it great
Unless you’ve been advised by a dietician to start weaning there’s still no indication to start before 6months
Wouldn’t start unless advised by a professional. We weaned early and it didn’t help with reflux at all and hasn’t helped her gain weight. We also have CMPA
Hv advised not to start early as i was also thinking of starting my girl at 4 months as some people do shes 6 plus mnths nearly 7 months now she started at 6 months with 6mnths baby jars foods and baby porridge, and boiled warm water durin feeds along with her formula bottles still… im starting to slowly introduce finger foods now which is scary as she has no teeth and i dont want her choking other mums shows me there finger foods what they give there babies an there babys are younger then my daughter xx
Iv also brought a blender so when shes just turnin 7 plus months il introduce her to little lumpy foods x baby rusks are good shes been havin one whole where she slowly sucks an it melts in the mouth
@Charlene be careful with rusks, they are full of sugar! Try and get the sugar free ones if you can ☺️
With CMPA their digestive system is already more sensitive, why would you want to start early weaning? If you do, make sure its one allergen at a time to check for reactions. You put a post on 7 days ago saying baby wasn't rolling, so I don't believe they'd be able to sit and put a spoon to their mouth anyway. Wait until baby is ready, enjoy her while she's small as weaning a cmpa baby is stressful with all the labels and reaction and sleepless nights. Xx
@Samantha no my baby isn’t rolling but she has very good head control when sitting supported I wasn’t looking to fully start weaning as I am planning on BLW at 6 months however I was just looking for information on the baby porridge and that’s all I would have introduced at 4 months as I said in the post I’m unsure weather I was going to or not as I am reading more into it.
@Olivia fair enough, I wouldn't do it. If you do though just use porridge oats and blitz them fine then make it up using her milk, you can introduce milk alternatives at 6 months. I'd avoid a lot of the "baby cereals" as they're quite often rice and that's got no nutritional benefit at all and have other ingredients so you wouldn't know what was causing any reactions. Once you're sure she's fine with oats you could try adding a little fruit puree for different tastes. BLW once 6 months is much easier as they can control how much they put in their mouth and stuff, also keeps them busy haha. Sorry if my first comment came across wrong, I was just info dumping xx
The baby food that is labelled as '4+ months' is purely for money and greed, at the detriment to baby's gut health. It means they definitely can't have it before 4 months, but it doesn't mean its any good for them. Unless specifically advised by a health care professional, wait until 6 months. Especially if you want to do BLW from the get-go at 6mo, as baby will start to get used to you spoon feeding them and they'll possibly get frustrated when you suddenly stop. Once baby is 6 months and showing all the other signs of being ready, they can have normal porridge oats made with plant based milk. If you want it slightly finer then blitz the dry oats in a blender before cooking, but it's not necessary - and neither is 'baby' porridge or rice.
I gave my baby, baby rice. You can give weetabix with their milk. Or rolled oats. If you've been advised to start Weaning they should have gave you a link/advice on foods to start with. As they do usually say soft fruit/veg
There's no need to wean at 4 months unless advised by a medical professional.
I was advised early weaning due to insufficient weight gain. Was told I could use ready brek and add peanut butter at 5 months... I weaned my older 2 at 3 months. The follow everything the books say doesn't suit every baby. Just saying
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@Leelee a lot of people seem to forget that every baby is different and not every rule applies to every baby! My baby has refused bottles since 6 months old, I literally couldn't get milk in her unless she was already fast asleep at night time, so I had to start 3 meals a day WAY earlier than advised because otherwise she'd go 12+ hours without eating! I had so many people advise me to 'keep trying ' with the bottles but I physically couldn't get her to take it. She's a happy healthy baby with all of her needs met now I stopped panicking about rules and just simply did what was right for us and for her in the safest way possible 🤷♀️
You can get just super fine normal porridge and mix it with their normal formula - I just used Tesco own, far less extra powders etc. than the baby porridges as well xxx