Due in two weeks!

I’m 38 W 2 D. What were your signs of early labor and what are things that I can do to start prepping my body/put myself into labor?
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I woke up at two in the morning with cramps that turned into contractions. I had inconsistent contractions all day.. they ranged from three minutes apart to 15 minutes apart. I also had light bleeding all day. By the end of that night, my water broke. And I was only dilated to a one. I was 38 weeks and 4 days.

You can drink raspberry leaf tea and eat 6 dates every day. That is supposed to help your cervix

@Maddie I’ve been having cramps for like two days but they never turn into actual contractions 😬🥲

Also 38 weeks today! I know there’s still some time tho just got to let my body gear up

@Isabela do they feel like period cramps?

@Maddie yeah it sometimes feels worse than first day of my period also a lot of gas though so it could be that too

I spent yesterday and today laying around. Today finally went for my daily walk

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