Anyone’s 10 month old only want formula/breast milk

He used to eat the purées but now he just spits them at me . Solids he throws, gags without even trying it or licks it and then spits. Idk what to do at this point I’ve tried eating with him or giving him what I’m eating and he still won’t touch it.
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Have you tried feeding him first and then giving him whatever you’re feeding him in his hands for him to eat it? try different kinds of veggies, different kinds of fruits different kinds of meats. See what he’ll like. I’m sure there’s something. ☺️

Try putting purées in a bottle and cutting the nip a little just to get him back on track with the purées. See if he will take that?

@Kristina nope I’ve tried spits it at me :/

@Maryam yes I have he turns his head away and cries . And giving it to him to self feed he throws or gets upset

:( as long as he’s getting his regular milk feeds then that’s fine. I heard that it’s common for some babies to be strictly on milk until over 12 months or so when they slowly transition to foods. Good luck hun!

@Maryam I just got him to eat a bite of a blueberry pancake. I think he spit out most of it, but he swallowed a little. He also ate a bite of cheese so hopefully he will improve.

@Willow aww yay that’s great at least he had some pieces in! He is already progressing it will take time :)

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