i worked until 2 weeks before my induction but my job was not very physically demanding
I think I stopped working around 37 weeks but I can’t remember. Do what you can! When you’re feeling extremely tired and if you can afford to take off earlier I’d do it. You need your rest!
I worked the day until I gave birth. Was in labor, unknowingly, on a Friday and went to the hospital that night, gave birth the next day. I was two and a half weeks early, but I was planning to work until birth if I could manage.
39 weeks!
I worked up until the day I gave birth. I ended up going to the ER a little after my lunch that day for decreased fetal movement and later that night my sweet boy was born via C Section🤍🙏🏽I was 38+2
I’m stopping at 39 weeks
I’m 39 weeks today and my last day is Friday
Do what your body needs if you are able to not work , no one will give a trophy at the end lol be good to yourself 💕
I’m a part-time teacher, I worked up until I started having contractions (39 w 3 d) because I didn’t want to take up any of my leave before baby was here. So I started having contractions on Wednesday night and called off that Thursday morning and then didn’t give birth until Saturday.
37 weeks due to pelvic pain
Worked until my mucus plug popped so that was Monday morning and I had him Wednesday afternoon
I’ll be 39 weeks tomorrow and plan to work until next Friday (40 weeks) if she doesn’t arrive before then. I work from home, so it makes sense for me.
With my first I was planning on taking off when I was 36 weeks but he ended up coming early at 34 weeks and I wasn’t working that day
I stopped working about 3 weeks before my c section. I could have worked the whole time (I worked a mainly sedentary front desk job) but I absolutely hated my job and wanted to take off early
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I stopped at 37w and a couple days because I was in pain and sooooo swollen. Found out I had preeclampsia and got induced at 37w 6 days, had him at 38w 3days
Around 20 weeks, I was just too tired and wanted to relax.
I took off work on a Friday because I thought she was coming and then she came that Sunday. So basically worked until I gave birth.