I pump and breastfeed together ! I also eat a lot and drink water which helped my supply’s. I pump after every feed/after feed pump as many times and she eats it will bring your supply’s up. Don’t worry if it’s not much now it will be get better in a couple of weeks. I pump at least 3 times at night and early mornings. Now I make around 8oz after each pumping session but you also have to be careful if you don’t want to be an over supplier. Pump between 2am-6am that’s when you have higher prolactin levels. For me it works feeding her the bottle and while she eats I pump and when she is ready to sleep I breastfeed which keeps my supply’s up! I also eat lactation cookies
You make less at night than you do in the morning! Also, this fully depends on your timeline, but if this happened around 6-ish weeks, then your supply has regulated! A normal output of pumping after a session is 0.5-2oz TOTAL.