Full time SAHM…

I’m a new mom, full time stay at home. I find I’m having a difficult time with this, one the one hand I’m missing my independence and on the other hand I’m loving being able to be with my boy every day 😅. How are you guys navigating this? I’m so use to going where ever and doing whatever and working feels very strange to not be “working”.
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I definitely feel you sista , I’ve been a SAHM off & on for awhile now . I love my children. But that independence, & meeting ppl, we just all that need that . I really just miss that so much . It’s like on one hand you get to be there for your children & interact with them . But then on the other hand, it can get a bit boring & you just need that adult time . So I definitely get what you’re saying.

@Jan I feel so much guilt even admitting this, thanks for responding

I love not working personally but I do miss happy hour and quizzo lol

I'm working from home and a SAHM at the same time 🥴 it's rough lol. I recently told my husband he was staying with the kids while I go to the gym 5x a week. Getting in the car without wrangling a toddler and a 2 month old and just being able to go, blast my music, sweat, and come home with a cleared mind is such a big help. I am 3 weeks in, kids are fine, hubby is fine, and me, i am better than before. I sometimes shorten my workout and pop into a store to wander around unincumbered as well lol

@Steffani this is so smart. My lo is ebf, so im still working on being able to pump every day so i can get some me time but that's the goal!

@Kelsey mine is ebf also, I just feed riiiight before I leave lol gives me a solid 2 hours that I feel comfy with.

I’m a ftm and a sahm and I’m having a hard time dealing with the no independent especially because I don’t have a car of my own yet so when hubby works I’m literally stuck don’t get me wrong I absolutely love being at home with my two month old baby boy but I sometimes just wanna be alone for an afternoon

@Steffani yes I love this you have found your me time good on you Hun

@Angie same!!!! Also don’t have a car. Very limiting and isolating

Yeah my baby is 19mo and I feel it’s time for me to get a part time job or side gigs 😊 I think that’s the best of both worlds

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