3 weeks and it was faint
I got my first faint positive at 8dpo
With first baby was 6 weeks, second was like 9 cause I ignored it haha
@Niecey @Taylor Where you testing before you got a positive? And it was saying negative?
Hmm…I was not testing before hand. I waited till my period was well late. Before I used to test early and would just get negatives. So I said to wait 8-9 days late at minimum.
I didn’t get tested. Because I know my body I took a pregnancy test when my cycle was 5 days late and had a follow up doctor appointment to confirm
I found out at 5 weeks with my first, 8dpo with my MMC, and 12 dpo this time but would have been 9dpo if I had really looked at the test before throwing a fit. I dug it out of the trash and it was positive.
I had my third baby last year - I had my first faint positive at 10 DPO. I was 12 DPO with my second. With ny first I only found out at 18 weeks as I wasn’t having a period so didn’t realise I was pregnant for the first half of my pregnancy