I’ll be happy if he arrives anytime after this week, just to ensure his lungs and everything are developed I’d like him to be 37 weeks at least but I’m gonna be the angriest lady ever if I go past 40 like I did with my first 😭
I’m due March 6th my baby is also 8 pounds I’ll be 38 weeks this Thursday so I feel you 100%. I also have a c-section scheduled on the 25th but I won’t be going to it because I’d like to deliver naturally. The constant foot cramps, pelvic pressure, Braxton hicks, constipation … it’s crazy lol. Ive been drinking raspberry leaf tea, just started eating the nasty ass dates, and I’m trying to walk more. I add prune juice to my tea to help with constipation you can try that. Hopefully we both go into labor soon praying for the best 🙏🏾
Im due on March 15 but im kinda convinced he’ll come earlier because this is my third baby and I’m not holding up well either 😅 the pressure is insane and I’m having Braxton hicks starting more at night every day