My son has super bad eczema ! We tried food and he’s allergic to SO much bananas, eggs, oats (so far) he projectile vomits and goes super limp and lethargic it’s so scary! We have an allergy consult March which we’ve waited sooo long for! But I hope we can find out what else he’s allergic to
@Alison it was pretty bad. He had patches all over his body and was non stop itching. When we switched his formula to nutrmigen it definitely helped internally and he didnt have so much gas trapped. Our doctor referred us last month because we have tried everything. We changed detergent, formula, soaps, lotions, we can only use cotton clothing. We triee corn starch and steriod cream and ointment and literally nothing was helping. The only lotions that help with the dryness is lubriderm and tubbytodd without the coladile oats. I would ask for an allergy referral if his eczema isnt getting better! We had no issues with anyone telling us no to the testing
@Mariah oh my goshh that is super scary! My son just got eczema flare ups so i could only imagine how seeing him limp and lethargic was 😕 march is so soon and i hope you get all the answers you need! Definitely a relief after finding out
@Bre omg yes idk if you tried the aquaphor hydrocortisone for babies it works sooo good for my babies eczema ! But im so glad you got your answers it’s definitely hard ! Walking on egg shells
How bad was his eczema? My 8mo is dealing with it and the dr told us to stop dairy and berries for now but it’s still not good. Idk when the right time to see a specialist is or who would do that?