Telling work

Hey everyone! Reaching out for some advice or maybe even some reassurance. I started a new job the day before I found out I was pregnant, I am currently 14 weeks and starting to show. I have not yet told work as I am still in probationary period untill 9th of March. I am a senior level of staff in the leadership team but I am a current team of 1. They did invest a lot into getting me into the role and are happy with everything I’ve been doing so far. But… I am stressing out about when to tell them and how is best to approach it so they don’t fire me 🤣 I want to tell them asap as it feels like a weight on my shoulders.
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I was offered my job before Christmas. Found out i was pregnant just after Christmas. But the onboarding process took so long Ive only just started the job this week at 13 weeks pregnant. So pretty sure I’m not going be entitle to any maternity pay or anything 😭 but anyway it should be fine just all fell into place with a bit of awkward timing 😅 I’m also panicking about telling them. Although i think I’m just going to bite the bullet and talk to my manager at first oportunity so its off my chest. But they definitely can’t fire you even on probation for being pregnant because it’s discrimination. So you should be fine 🥰❤️

Personally, I would wait until after your probation has ended and you are a fully fledged employee. Even then I wouldn't disclose until a bit later. You have until 15 weeks before due date to let them know. You will be surprised what companies can and will do to remove a pregnant person from the company when new. I've seen it first hand. I would pass probation, wait a month and then let them know. If something untoward then happens, then at least you know it's down to pregnancy, and you can go down the pregnancy discrimination route. However, i hope all goes well when you do tell them and it's not an issue ☺️

I personally would try to wait it out until after probationary period. It would be too easy for them to find reason to let go in probationary period. Once this has passed if they let you go would be easy with probationary record of having passed to claim unfair dismissal if have evidence happy with work before told pregnant. Hopefully this won't be the case but in your situation would want to cover myself just in case. Especially as only few weeks anyway baggy clothes for a while!

I would definitely wait it out until way later, legally you have until 15 weeks before birth. They are not allowed to “ask” whether you are pregnant or fire you if you tell them, however, they don’t have to fire you for being pregnant, they can find a different “reason” and it would be very hard to prove otherwise

I would also wait until after probation, just for more protection, you have to legally tell them at 25 weeks, Also. @Ruth @aimee also you won’t be entitled to maternity pay as you have to have started a month or 2 before you’re pregnant. But you should be able to claim maternity allowance directly from the government which is the same pay. But, regardless of how long you’ve been there you’re entitled to mat leave for up to 52 weeks.

Thanks everyone, appreciate it !

Some of these comments. It’s illegal for an employer to fire you because you are pregnant. I cannot stress enough it’s a law. If you tell them and they let you go for some other bs reason you can apeal it but I guarantee you won’t. I started a job on the 15th April 2024. I worked one week and then unfortunately had a missed miscarry. I have been off since to this day… coming up to a year I know and not been back in. I had a probation period within this period. It’s completely illegal for an employer to get rid of you for any sort of pregnancy related illness or condition. I am now 14 weeks pregnant. I told them when I was around 6/7 weeks as I’ve had HG and not been able to work. Honesty is the best policy. They will not sack you. I’ve been employed for 10 months and only worked 1 week 🤣🙈 xx

@Danielle you only have to provide 15 weeks notice it’s not legal.

@Jasmine if you’re entitled to maternity leave you have to tell them 15 weeks before, which is your 25th week of pregnancy. It is a requirement to do so by this time.

@Danielle yes but if your having a C-section 15 weeks before might not be 25th week of pregnancy hence why it very specifically says 15 weeks notice. Also everyone is entitled to may leave if your employed. However, if you’ve not been with your employer for a x amount of time before the pregnancy you will only be entitled to give pay which is just £180 odd a weeks

@Jasmine we’re saying the same thing. 15 weeks notice is at 25 weeks pregnant. Total pregnancy = 40 weeks, 40-15 is 25 weeks. It’s worked from your due date not the date the baby may be born as you wouldn’t have a c section date until a couple of weeks before the c section.

@Danielle no your missing my point. It’s from when your baby will be born. If you have a c section this can be 2 weeks before ie at 37/38 weeks. I’ve literally just had this conversation with my employer.

@Jasmine that doesn’t matter in the UK the count full term at 40 weeks. So you must legally give notice in week 25, doesn’t matter whether your baby gets born at 36 or 42, still counting from 40

@Kate as I said it does matter I’ve literally just had this conversation with my work place

@Jasmine you can predict when you will have a baby, so you give notice 15 weeks before the due date - “approx” date if birth

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@Kate you can have a c section by choice and you’ll always know it’ll be 1-2 weeks before your due date. I’m not sure what the issue is here

@Jasmine if you are having a c section by choice that’s a different circumstance. What everyone else is saying here is that in the most traditional circumstances you won’t know the exact week/day your baby comes, so you have to rely on the due date the give you. That’s all

I’m having a planned c section, I don’t have a consultant call to discuss it until I’m 30 weeks. And even then I won’t get my actual c section date until a couple of weeks before. And it can change on the day if they get emergencies in. They’re done in the 39th week. So could only be done a day before your expected due date.

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