Just let it take its course :/ it’ll grow back
If you have been using the same vitamins switch it up make sure you are taking vitamin c with what vitamins for absorption
I’ve been taking this collagen (https://naturalbodyinc.com/products/astroflav-collagen-with-puremidine ) and this (https://naturalbodyinc.com/products/core-nutritionals-lifeline-series-hair-skin--nails ) hair skin nails vitamin and have been seeing regrowth after a month of use
That’s normal. When you’re around 4 months pp your hair just sheds. I think the vitamins promote faster growth and maybe less hair loss but for the most part it’s part of post partum. It should stop around 7/6 months.
It will grow back! ❤️
coconut oil masks once a week has made my hair SO soft & growing longer pp!!!
@Alleiah different vitamins
I kept taking my prenatal vitamins and it didn’t shed and I’m 16 months pp
That's what happens. During pregnancy, it doesn't fall as much. It is just catching up. Try not to stress about it. If you're breastfeeding, your hormones are still out of wack, so the hair loss may last longer than to other people. Don't compare yourself to others. You're perfect the way you're right now.