Remind him the reasons you fell in love with him, and you still love him, but you don’t feel the love he once gave and all you want from him is to tell you what’s wrong? Sometimes they’re stressed about being a dad and they want to soak up the single guy responsibilities before they’re dads and technically “forced to” it’s awful and I find it disheartening that they feel that way but maybe actually telling him you’re in this together and you’re also scared will help if not. You might have to be ready to accept he’s gonna follow in his father’s footsteps and become an alcoholic himself.
honestly my son’s dad and his family are the same way and it never got any better even after i had my son it actually got a whole lot worse so i left him when my son was 2 months old you should really start thinking if this is really the life you want for you and your child if he treats you this way he would treat the child the same
Honestly, sounds like that’s just going to get worse. You’re in a good position to leave him you’re so young and have no other dependents so take the opportunity to make a clean exit. Of course you can discuss him seeing the baby and how often etc but honestly it sounds like he’ll hold you back and be a hindrance rather than a help when baby comes. Have you got strong family support of your own? And close friends to lean on? Sorry to be so direct but this is completely unacceptable and you deserve 1milX better xx
im going to keep this short and sweet… leave. doesn’t matter your situation with him or yours. you deserve better and i’m sure you can give your baby better without him!
@Jo yeah I’ve got plenty of amazing supportive family and friends it’s just a shame. I never wanted to even have to consider leaving him but he just doesn’t feel like the man he was when we got together anymore
That’s amazing, I can only imagine how hard it will be to action but you will be doing the best thing for yourself and baby, even probably for your partner too. Sometimes having children makes you realise you’re not meant for each other and that’s ok 🤍
It doesn’t change. How they are through your pregnancy is how they are when the baby is here if not worse.
Not “mean”?? Youre still trying to make him look better than he is!! I wish I could help you, but that is not normal. His behavior is sick. If he and his family is like this at 8 weeks…how will they be when the baby is born? Will you still be able to really do your thing as momma without them trying to “make it better than you” or making you feel like a bad mother to your child? I would consider having a conversation with your man, without any family nearby. Be direct and honest. You also can bring up an ultimatum. He needs to man up and stop crying like a child whenever he wants to be the good one in front of his family, if he wants to be a dad to this child. And he also needs to show you, that he is serious and really wants this… Maybe search for alternatives and such…would you consider being a mom without any man?