With my first i labored at home for the first 19 hours. i don’t think it’s even necessary to be doing it early. and all i really needed at the hospital was an outfit or 2 for my daughter, comfy loose fitting clothing for me, and a charger.
They're a lil pricey but I really recommend any kind of earbuds that have the option for noise cancelation or noise pass through. So you could listen to whatever you want and hear whatever is going on around you at the same time! I'm having my 2nd boy in May & I'm planning on definitely taking my own disposable underwear for postpartum, comfy clothes & shoes, feeding pillow, my own bed pillow, maybe even my own blanket, one going home outfit for baby, & my own sleep sack for him! Hospital will supply all diapers, wipes, pacis, bottles etc if you need them. Whatever is supplied to you, take them home! Also don't be afraid to ask for whatever you don't bring/forgot! Sidenote: don't worry about dressing baby until you are about to leave because the nurses check them so much, it's easier to just unwrap the swaddle. If you truly want to dress baby, the double zipper onesies are a lifesaver! 😊
Hi, my name is Isa, and I'll be 27 weeks on Monday. I already packed my hospital bag because I had a lot of anxiety knowing that anything could happen at any point. I tend to overpack, so I took the "more is better than less" approach. I packed four or five pairs of pajamas, a going-home outfit, all of my Frida Mom postpartum essentials, diapers, and a few pairs of socks—both regular ones and the kind with grips on the bottom because I prefer my own over the hospital ones. Having my own things makes me feel more comfortable.
I also packed a speaker for music and packed my husband’s bag with about the same amount of outfits—five changes of clothes. We also included our travel toiletry bag, which has our toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a small loofah, and a hairbrush. Since I’m not much of a makeup person, I skipped packing any because I know I won’t be using it at the hospital. Lastly, I packed some shoes.
For my baby, I packed a few outfits just in case. I know he might not need them, but I’d rather be safe. All of them are zip-ups, making it easier for the nurses to take them off. I also packed bottles just in case he has trouble latching. I plan on breastfeeding, but to be prepared, I packed two different brands of bottles and two different brands of pacifiers. I also included his little blanket—and that’s it!
Everyone else commented good list’s! So I just went to add dont forget chapstick! All the breathing made my lips so chapped lol and you don’t need to bring a pump (unless you want the lactation consultant or nurse to show you how to use it) (if you plan to pump) your hospital should be able to provide one to use during your stay
With my first I way over packed. This time I'm bringing a couple nursing bras, a going home outfit for myself and baby, and personal hygiene products. Also must haves for me is an extra long phone charger and chapstick. My hospital had most of what I and baby needed after birth so I don't feel the need to bring my own postpartum items or baby items.
My first piece of advice is Don't over pack. We packed "just in case" stuff and it was too much. Momma: -Bfing gown (the ones at the hospital are itchy) -Toiletries (for showering and hygiene) -extra hair ties -Loose pants/shorts and a t shirt for when you leave the hospital - breast pump ( the hospitals are usually not great) -breast feeding pillow -charger -2 copies of birth plan (The hospital will have all the postpartum stuff you need, ie. Ice pads, mesh briefs, a fan, peri bottle, derma spray ,etc. They will also send you home with stuff if you ask.) For baby: -Newborn onesie -0-3 months onesie -binky (optional) -bottle -nb diapers -car seat - baby book for first foot prints ( Hospital usually provides a hat and mits) Partner: -2 shirts -comfy pants -swim suit ( to get in the tub with you if there is one in LD) -charger -stress ball -toiletries The labor rooms are pretty sound proof. But we did have loud neighbors in the room next to us once we got moved after birth.
Omg! Thank you for all! I’ll start to pack!
So I’m 26 weeks pregnant with my second son. Haven’t even looked at packing my hospital bag lol realistically second time around I’m packing socks to walk around in, a cute outfit for pics and leaving the hospital in, and maybe nice pjs that open in the front to lounge around in after the birth. We had grandparents in the room with us every second leading up to the birth and after the birth til we left the hospital and so we never played needed the music personally. Husband was able to come and go to grab snacks for me. So my bag will be a lot lighter this time around lol hospital pretty much gives you everything else
Oh yeah i forgot toiletries lol
I have nothing FTM and 26 & half weeks. My brain is all over that I can’t start packing or thinking about labor is that normal?
@Andrea totally normal! As a first time mom I packed at 35 weeks. I suggest making a checklist! Lmk if you need any help
Edit to add: I'm a second time mom so this is stuff I really used last time and am packing again! I went into false labor and made a video packing my go-bag! The caption has everything I packed if you don't wanna watch the whole thing: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT2PKmyox/ For labor playlists, I literally just put on "rainy day animal crossing" music 😅 at one point I also put on a slow jazz playlist and slow danced with my husband while swaying back and forth with contractions.
Yesss! I also want to know!