Not sure if niche!

Developed hypertension around 30 weeks and have since been waiting to hear the words pre-eclampsia but so far it’s not developed into that! During pregnancy baby boy has been just below the 50th centile however we had a growth scan yesterday that showed he has dropped to the 3rd centile and I will be delivering him at 37 weeks latest and have been admitted until then (currently 36+1). It’s looking like my high blood pressure has affected the cord and placenta. Now I need to choose if I want to attempt an induction or go straight for an elective c-section which i’m finding extremely difficult to decide and was wondering if anyone has any advice/similar experiences? Also wondering if anyone has any stories about their babies regarding NICU stays etc when having a tiny baby with similar issues?
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I was induced at 37 weeks with my IUGR baby measuring less than 1 percentile. I did have a successful vaginal delivery. I didn't have high blood pressure, preeclampsia, or any other known abnormality to cause IUGR. She was 4 lbs 3 oz and did stay in the NICU for 5 days. She was released after she was at least 1800 grams again after the normal after birth weight loss and maintained her body temp without heat support for several hours. If you are in a cold climate, be sure to bundle your baby very, very well when going outside and keep your home warm. We were back in the ER 16 hours after discharge because she was lethargic and not nursing. After running all the diagnostics you can think of, it turns out she just got too cold from the 35°F weather (leaving the hospital and then her first pediatrician appt the next day) and had no body fat to help her hold in her heat. She is now 5 weeks old, 6 lbs, and doing very well.

Hi! Similar story to Kelli! I had an induction at 37 weeks. Successful and lovely vaginal delivery. I did have hypertension too which they monitored throughout the pregnancy and labor. Baby boy was 4lbs 10oz and did no NICU time. Just like Kelli, we were admitted to the children’s hospital 4 days after birth because we caught that his temp was too low (even though it was August). They ran different infection panels but he was just too skinny to hold his own temp. We double swaddled him for a week after discharge and kept the house warmer until he gained some weight. He is now a 6 month 17 lb healthy and happy baby. Best of luck!!

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