Anterior placenta

I've recently found out that I haven't an anterior placenta. This is my third pregnancy but ive never had this before. It was a private scan, so they didn't really say much about it. Does anybody else have the same? I don't know if I'm just being dramatic and hormonal, but I'm absolutely gutted. I've been so upset about it. I felt my last two quite early, so I'm freaking out about not feeling baby move until closer to 24 weeks. How will I know she's okay if I can't feel her move? What if even when I do start to feel her move, it's only faint movements? This is my last pregnancy, and I'm just so sad that I may not get the same experience as my last two with feeling them/seeing them move. Am I just being stupid and overreacting? 😢😬
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Hiya! I’m 16weeks today and just found out I have this too! I had to do research about it as I didn’t really know anything about it. I completely understand your worry and I’m gutted too! This is my first and I was so excited to feel the first movements 😭

@Anonymous I'm so sorry that you are experiencing this first time round. It's such a frustrating thing knowing that there's absolutely nothing that can be done!

Noticed the message on my feed 🙂 I had an anterior placenta with my little girl. I felt her kick around 22 weeks. Although during the weeks leading up to it, I felt flutters and bubbling feelings. It was enough for me to feel that she was ok. Honestly don’t worry about them being faint movements, the kicks soon ramp up 😮‍💨 my little girl at times felt like she was doing summersaults in there and I could feel her hiccuping a lot too. You’re not being stupid and overreacting though, your feelings are so valid and I promise you theres nothing to worry about xx

I have one. This is my second pregnancy and I did feel slight movement from around 17weeks. I’m now 21 one and yesterday was the first day I felt consistent movement x

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