Marital Advice

Been with my husband since I was 15 (17 years) Every job he gets we fight over him cheating. He always acts weird, hides messages and is currently doing this now at his current job. He takes an absolute fit by calling me names and being aggressive if I say anything or call him out. What should I do? This happens at every job. I never meet coworkers, it’s like he is ashamed of me cause I’m overweight.
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Idk tbh. Has he ever cheated? I definitely get what you’re saying tho. But if he does it everytime and never cheated I think at some point I would just leave or stop thinking he’s cheating this time

Leave sounds like he won’t change you deserve better.

Go to counseling. Sounds like you both have things that need to be worked on together

What is his job?

I'm sorry you're going through this. Feel free to message me if you want to chat. Been through something very similar and it's extremely demoralising x

If he’s cheating repeatedly, the “females” aren’t the issue. Ditch him and try to work on your own confidence too.

Counseling could help if both of you are willing to work to have more healthy habits. But I personally wouldn't be in a relationship with someone I didn't trust or someone I felt didn't respect me

Trust your gut. You wouldn't think he was cheating if he wasn't doing something to trigger that feeling. I've been with my husband for 11 years and that thought has never crossed my mind. I agree with the others... maybe counseling?

Has he ever cheated?? If you have been together 15 years and he has cheated numerous times why would this time be any different for you to stay with him or not and surely you must ask this question every time (if he has cheated) and you have still stayed with him. How many times is the limit for you?

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