Kourtney, I’m so sorry to hear this—it’s incredibly frustrating, and you have every right to be upset. Has he been reading up on things or attending doctor visits? Is there any way you can get him to join you at the prenatal group care meetings? Having him attend might help him understand how common this is especially hearing from other couples and nurses. Also, I’m a bit concerned about how he’ll handle things once the baby arrives. Cause talk about being tired all the time especially with feedings every 2-3 hrs. Also I’m in my second trimester and I’m still tired all the time. Hang in there. Sending positive vibes.
i have the same problem sometimes. overtime my bf has gotten better at supporting me and making sure i eat/sleep/pee whenever i need to. it took several conversations and a couple fights until we could come to an understanding. when it comes to food…i don’t play!!!! and idc if pregnancy hormones or rage is the cause of it. our feelings are always valid
@Jennifer I have the same worries, I tried to prepare him before I got pregnant and he was like “I know, don’t worry I’m ready, we can handle it” and now there’s no understanding. I say “I’m pregnant it’s different now” and he says he knows but thinks I’m being wimpy or dramatic. I tell him all the time “go talk to your friends with kids and they’ll tell you exactly what I’m saying”. He says he’ll be helpful with the baby and I do think he’ll be a good dad but I definitely see him being resentful of me being home and things “not getting done” not understanding as a mom there’s only so much time in the day.
@Celi I think what makes it hard for him is I’m not super hormonal or moody so when he gets a glimpse of it he thinks I’m exaggerating. Part of me feels like I’m alone in this because of his lack of support. He’s loving and treats me well but he has no understanding of female emotions, I wholeheartedly believe god gave us a girl because he has lessons to learn there 😂
By the second pregnancy my husband is starting to get it 😅
Have a doctor talk to him bout ya hormones, and yes, stop talking to him just to STOP TALKING AND DO U !!!!!!! THATS WHAT IM DOING I stop answering my phone because he don't have a damn clue bout pregnancy he don't wanna read he don't wanna learn so leave the dummy in the dust n enjoy ya pregnancy. Gurl, eat 3 dinners if u have to!!
@Alessandra I really think they’re just clueless the first time around 😂 some women get lucky and have a man who caters to them but mine comes from a family of boys so he has no idea😅
Do u take any b6
Stop talking.