Overly anxious mum to toddler?

My boy is 18m soon to be 19m and he’s so fast now he’s almost running, I lost sight of him for like a second today in the shop and my heart sank and I shouted his name quite loud, my bf said that I’m embarrassing and need to stop this he said I’m like this when he falls over, like I will gasp and make a big deal but I can’t help it?? Is anyone else like this? I get I do probably over exaggerate and I dont want him to be scared or anything but just can’t help if he falls I’m just anxious I guess. He said he doesn’t want him to be timid, and he already can see signs of him being timid cos I’m the way I am. It’s a difficult one I know, just wanted to know if any other mums are in same boat as me. Thanks for reading ❤️
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If I lost sight of my son in a shop I would absolutely be the same - immediate panic! Falling over I am less fussed about and tend to go straight to the "oh dear, never mind" response as don't want him to be crying over every tiny scrape. If he immediately starts screaming or knocks his head I am more sympathetic and give him a quick checkover.

my girls 19m and i'm the exact same lol she ran of today and i shout her if i didn't she would be gone what else you meant to do lol also im very dramatic when she falls over to i gasp but i feel like that's normal lol my partners the same tho i feel like thats a man thing hes like stop shouting when im in public but its either that or my child's gunna get lost i honestly couldn't care less what people think of me at the end of the day im here to look after my child and if that means shouting her in public to get her attention so that be so most people have gone through the stage of there children running of and stuff so most people understand so many people laugh or say 'you have you hands full' or 'she off' and i just laugh it off lol! i think mums always have a Maternity instinct and your always going to over react as it's your child xx

I get told I’m the same but with her sleep, I get so anxious about noise waking her up. And if she cries apparently I pick her up ‘too soon’. I try to ignore those comments but I know it’s hard. Nobody wants or chooses to be an anxious mum, we can’t help it. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could all be chilled out but easier said than done. You’re doing a great job!!! Xx

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