Dry cracked heels on feet

Anyone else suffering from severely cracked heels on their foot? I used to have such soft feet and now my heels are eating my socks 😭. I went to the nail salon today and they went to work on them dogs 🙌
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Omg yes!!! My heels and side of my feet are so cracked! I’ve tried using a pumice stone on them myself but it just doesn’t seem to work. I hate a pedicure but might need to get one done

Yes me too!!! They’re bleeding as well, I’ve never had this problem before. I’ve been putting aquafor on my feet every night and still doesn’t seem to be working 😭

Omg yes, I think it's been worse because we moved last year to an area that gets really dry in the winter. Humidity in our house dips under 20% so I started running a humidifier in our bedroom because my sinuses have been so raw. For feet, Aquafor makes these hand and foot masks that have helped a lot. Reminds me of paraffin dips, it's like a plastic glove/sock you peel open and leave on for 10 minutes then massage in once removed. I was surprised how much better my feet felt the next day. I also use other Aquafor stuff regularly, not sure it helps much, and one of those cheese grater-looking exfoliators every time I shower. There's a product called Baby Feet I've thought about trying - reviews say it works great but the sloughing off sounds pretty intense so I haven't been brave enough to try it lol

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