Yes me too!!! They’re bleeding as well, I’ve never had this problem before. I’ve been putting aquafor on my feet every night and still doesn’t seem to be working 😭
Omg yes, I think it's been worse because we moved last year to an area that gets really dry in the winter. Humidity in our house dips under 20% so I started running a humidifier in our bedroom because my sinuses have been so raw. For feet, Aquafor makes these hand and foot masks that have helped a lot. Reminds me of paraffin dips, it's like a plastic glove/sock you peel open and leave on for 10 minutes then massage in once removed. I was surprised how much better my feet felt the next day. I also use other Aquafor stuff regularly, not sure it helps much, and one of those cheese grater-looking exfoliators every time I shower. There's a product called Baby Feet I've thought about trying - reviews say it works great but the sloughing off sounds pretty intense so I haven't been brave enough to try it lol
Omg yes!!! My heels and side of my feet are so cracked! I’ve tried using a pumice stone on them myself but it just doesn’t seem to work. I hate a pedicure but might need to get one done